Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional Supplements Available at Fenske Holistic Healthcare Center

You may receive a recommendation from Dr. Fenske to take certain nutritional supplements as part of your wellness plan or healing process. We have extensively researched several lines of nutritional supplements and recommend these when needed.  High quality supplements lead to the best results and can be purchased at our office.


–  as well as in our office  –

Many of the nutritional supplements that Dr. Fenske recommends and carries in her office are additionally available for patients to order online straight from our online dispensary.  For years we have partnered with Wellevate for this service.  They have transitioned to Fullscript, so current Wellevate users should have received an email in June 2023 to facilitate the easy transition.  Your order history will move with you to your new Fullscript account.  Fullscript will have all the brands you found on Wellevate, plus more (including Standard Process, Biotics, and Apex Energetics).  If you haven’t previously used our online dispensary, contact our office or click on this link: Fullscript.

As she did with Wellevate, Dr. Fenske is providing a 15% discount off of the MSRP to her patients.  In most cases the 15% discount will price items the same as, or slightly lower than in our office, with the exception of only several items.  Additionally, orders of $50 or more ship for free straight to your door.  Nothing will change in our office, this is an added convenience for our patients to order their nutritional supplements 24/7.


Click here to access the iOS app for Fullscript.