Keeping Ourselves and Our Earth Healthy Simple Actions: Big Results While there are many opinions about climate change and how best to live our lives, prosper and care for the environment, no one can argue we have seen an increase in wildfires, hurricanes and wacky...
Navigating Change in Uncertain Times
Navigating Change in Uncertain Times Here's a truth we're all facing: none of us is invincible against the winds of change. But we also don't have to be defenseless. When confronted by tumultuous times, as we have been in 2020, we each have the power to make choices...
Staying Healthy
Staying Healthy During a Pandemic: Choices You can Make in the Face of COVID-19 The current pandemic sparked by the novel Coronavirus and the illness it can cause, COVID-19, has created challenges for all of us. We feel overwhelmed and exhausted, confused by the...
Healthy Gut
A healthy gut supports a healthy immune system! Up to 75% of the immune system's cells are found within the mucosal membranes that make up the gastrointestinal tract. Healthy Gut, Healthy Body: What You Need to Know The human body is home to over 100 trillion...
How to Boost Immunity to Stay Healthy
The winter and spring of 2020 has been a challenging cold and flu season for many people, and now we have a new threat: COVID-19 (AKA coronavirus). I frequently hear the media and others discussing medications and vaccines as the only answer to treatment and...
Vitamin D Widely Accepted
Vitamin D Achieves Mainstream Medical Acceptance It's only within the last decade that a Vitamin D supplement became widely accepted by the conventional medicine community. Today, it's one of the most highly regarded supplements in both natural and conventional...
Move Well, Live Well
Move Well, Move Often - It May Save Your Life Move well and move often: it's smart advice for maintaining a strong, healthy body from head-to-toe, inside and out. With mounting evidence of the ill-effects associated with sitting too much, moving well has become...
Alzheimer’s Disease
Holistic Approaches to Protecting the Brain from Alzheimer's Disease Is Alzheimer's Disease hardwired into the brain's destiny as we age? It's a terrifying thought. Many people believe it's true. Hope lies with the ongoing research to help us understand the root...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive Distress: Holistic Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome When the smooth rhythm of the muscles of the digestive tract is disrupted, either moving too quickly or too slowly, we experience digestive distress. For some of us, this distress can be frequent and...
Introducing Wellevate – Our New On-line Dispensary
Nutritional Supplements Now Available On-line As Well As In Our Office Many of the nutritional supplements Dr. Fenske recommends and carries in her office are now additionally available for patients to order on-line straight from our partner Wellevate. This is an...
Make a Change for a Healthier New Year
Have you set an intention to make better choices around diet and exercise in the New Year? Kudos for recognizing a change needs to be made and committing to it! As you begin to adopt healthier New Year behavior, remember that change is a process. Be kind and patient...
Antibiotic Resistance
Take A Holistic Approach to Antibiotic Resistance When it comes to infection and our health, there are two schools of thought: the Germ Theory and the Terrain Theory. Understanding the differences is critical, particularly because it involves the use of antibiotics,...
Healing Eczema
When the Skin Erupts: Healing Eczema and Psoriasis When those painful, itchy patches of eczema and psoriasis erupt, doctors of natural medicine ask, 'what is causing this condition to present at this time?' The Greek translation of eczema means "to boil out," so the...
Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Natural Medicine People living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) compare the pain and inflammation to a fire raging out of control. RA is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease causing swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints. It can...
Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity
When Your Body Goes Against the Grain: Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity How did gluten, a naturally-occurring protein found in wheat, barley and rye - sources of nutrition for people over thousands of years, become so unhealthy? Many scientists attribute the...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Natural Solutions for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), one of the most common endocrine (hormone) disorders, affects approximately 10 million women worldwide. It's the leading cause of infertility in women and can present at any life...
Can mindfulness really reduce stress and enhance your health and well-being? Nearly 4.3 million U.S. adults think so. That's how many engage in mindfulness, or 'mindful practices.' Popular media refers to mindfulness as any generic process of paying attention in life...
Cardiovascular Health
Your cardiovascular health - and actually the health of your entire body - depends upon a strong network of blood vessels. From the womb through old age, healthy arteries, capillaries and veins are essential for optimal functioning of all organs, muscles and nerves....
Maintaining A Healthy Immune System
The Great Defender: that's our immune system, uniquely designed to keep us healthy and defend against illness and infection. Made up of organs, including the skin, lungs, and gut, as well as specialized cells, the immune system's job is to remain on alert for...
Coconut Oil
This is a blog post from July 10, 2017 by Dr Frank Lipman, republished with permission. IS COCONUT OIL REALLY THE ENEMY? Coconut oil – it’s a naturally healthy wonder that’s accessible, affordable and versatile. At Be Well, coconut oil is one of our pantry...
The ADHD – Diet Connection Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): two generations ago ADHD was defined as an abnormal defect of moral control in otherwise high functioning children. Today we know better. And we know more. Lots more. What is ADHD? Today,...
Craving Sugar?
Sugar is a carbohydrate, one of the major nutrient groups, but it doesn't provide vitamins, minerals, or even fiber to our diet. Still, it's added to an array of foods, including ketchup, fruited yogurt, cereal, canned soup, certain brands of lunch meat, salad...
Acid Reflux Natural Approaches
Healing Acid Reflux Naturally Acid reflux is triggered when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. Acid reflux (commonly called heartburn) is a painful and aggravating condition that affects about 60% of the adult population in a given year. A more persistent and...
Breast Health Tips
Boost Breast Health with these Lifestyle Tips One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and, each year, about 40,000 women die from the disease. From puberty through the elder years, it's imperative for a woman to take care of her breasts, from the...