
Disease Prevention



Can mindfulness really reduce stress and enhance your health and well-being? Nearly 4.3 million U.S. adults think so. That's how many engage in mindfulness, or 'mindful practices.' Popular media refers to mindfulness as any generic process of paying attention in life...

Breast Health Tips

Breast Health Tips

Boost Breast Health with these Lifestyle Tips One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and, each year, about 40,000 women die from the disease. From puberty through the elder years, it's imperative for a woman to take care of her breasts, from the...

Dangers of Junk Food

Dangers of Junk Food

We all know smoking is bad and it is less and less socially acceptable in this country all the time.   But a recently released report tells us that junk food is perhaps even a greater evil than smoking!  The United States ranks 53rd in the world for life expectancy....