Beauty in simplicity.
When information is presented in a clear, simple way it is easier to absorb – especially in this age of information overload. There are many books with accurate and useful information about health and how to eat. In spite of this I rarely mention them to patients and friends. Few people I know have the time or will actually take the time to read a whole book on these subjects unless it is their passion or profession. But there is a new book recently published that is so simple and has such good and straight-forward advice I want to recommend it to you:
THE NEW HEALTH RULES by Frank Lipman, M.D. & Danielle Claro.
The book is a food guide, a healing guide, a living guide and more. It provides information to get your life on a healthy track and presents it in a format that is easy to absorb all at once or step by step. For example, most people understand the need to eat well, but there are abundant (some would say overwhelming) choices in the stores. The New Health Rules has a short list to help you focus. Here is this excerpt from the book:
- Dark Leafy Greens. More nutritious calorie for calorie, than any other food.
- Cruciferous Veggies. Lower the risk of cancer.
- Avocados. Help protect your body from heart disease, cancer, and certain degenerative diseases.
- Blueberries. Help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, ulcers, and high blood pressure.
- Eggs. Full of protein and good fats.
- Walnuts. Packed with omega-3s and other nutrients that help protect your heart.
I encourage you to check out this book. And when you find helpful excerpts from here, or other sources, print them and put them on your fridge to help you remember your health goals!