We all know smoking is bad and it is less and less socially acceptable in this country all the time. But a recently released report tells us that junk food is perhaps even a greater evil than smoking! The United States ranks 53rd in the world for life expectancy....
Mind-Body Connection
Food & You: The Mind-Body Connection There's no doubt about it: what we eat, and how much we eat, has a direct impact on our physical health. But did you know that those same choices also influence mood, mental alertness, memory, and emotional wellbeing? Food can...
Nutritional Supplement Quality
Nutritional supplements are one of several key tools I use to improve the health of my patients. These supplements do exactly what their name implies - they supplement what one's body is, or should be, receiving through ideal nutrition. There are thousands of uses...
Food Allergies & Food Sensitivities: Know the Difference
By Robyn O'Brien (reprinted with permission) Today, a life threatening allergic reaction to food sends someone to the emergency room in the United States once every six minutes. EpiPen is now a $1 billion brand. Today, one in eleven children struggle with asthma, and...
How Can I Increase Metabolism?
What is Metabolism? Metabolism is your body's method of converting calories, from the food you eat, into energy needed to power all the physiological processes that keep you alive and kicking 24/7. The minimum amount of energy your body needs to keep you going is...
GMO’s In Your Food
Fast Fact Did you know that FDA doesn't even test genetically modified foods to make sure they're good for you? According to them, it's the manufacturer's responsibility to make sure their GMO products are safe. [hr] GMO's in Your Food: The Facts You Need to Know If...
Detoxification to Improve Health
Fast Facts In a ground-breaking report released in 2010, the President's Cancer Panel provided strong confirmation that exposure to chemicals is an important and under-recognized risk factor for cancer. It's staggering to realize that since the 1940's, over 100,000...
Secrets to a Healthy Heart
Fast Fact Laughter might be the perfect antidote to stress! In one study when people watched a funny movie, their blood flow increased by 20%! The Heart: Powerful, but Vulnerable A key element of a healthy body is a healthy heart. The heart is the center of our...
Diet Resolutions for the New Year
Fast Fact Your brain is 73% water. It takes only 2% dehydration to affect your attention, memory and other cognitive skills! Earth-friendly 2016 Diet Resolutions Too many of us have become Eco-Zombies... careless about the relationship between the health of the planet...
A Food Guide and Much More
Beauty in simplicity. When information is presented in a clear, simple way it is easier to absorb - especially in this age of information overload. There are many books with accurate and useful information about health and how to eat. In spite of this I rarely...
Benefits of Exercise
Basic Healthcare: Part 5 ~ EXERCISE Over a number of months I've highlighted several aspects of healthcare that I consider to be essential, or basic to a person's well-being. For the final installment in this Basic Healthcare series I will promote the benefits of...
Dealing with Stress
For the 4th installment of my Basic Healthcare series I revisit stress because it is such a pervasive and detrimental part of many people's lives (and maybe even more so as we approach the holiday season). Stress does not technically refer to the events in your life...
‘Fed Up’ with Sugar
This is the third installment in a short series of five posts dedicated to basic healthcare suggestions. The subject is sugar. Hopefully you have heard this subject in the media recently, and for today's post I am going to borrow from some of the wealth of recent...
Basic Healthcare: Part 2
This is the second installment in a short series of five posts dedicated to basic healthcare suggestions. Healthcare, like life itself, often goes in many directions on many levels all at the same time. Every once in a while it can be helpful to step back and...
Basic Healthcare: Part 1
This is the first installment in a short series of five posts dedicated to basic healthcare suggestions. Healthcare, like life itself, often goes in many directions on many levels all at the same time. Every once in a while it can be helpful to step back and...
What is the State of Health in our Country?
The following report helps illustrate my motivation for starting this blog. Although health trends on a national level often seem distant or irrelevant to many of us as individuals, the trends shown in these types of reports reflect the physical and social...
Is Aspartame Harmful?
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener (sometimes labeled as NutraSweet, AminoSweet, Equal, or Spoonful) that is 100 times sweeter than sugar. It was accidentally discovered in 1965 and is currently used in thousands of food products, from places you may not expect to...
Sugary Beverages Popular But Dangerous
In spite of the dangers sugary beverages pose to our health, they are consumed much more than in the past. A generation ago a soda was usually an infrequent treat saved for special occasions. Not only has it become our default beverage, but we're frequently offered...
Healthy Recipes for the Holidays
Here are two healthy recipes you may enjoy over the holidays. These recipes were developed by Hallie Klecker. You will find many more great recipes on Hallie's blog and in her books, including gluten-free recipes, dairy-free recipes, and healthy recipes for desserts....
Vitamin D Benefits You In Many Ways
Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. There are many ill health effects of this deficiency, however, so it is very important to maintain healthy levels. Some benefits of vitamin D include supporting bone health, maintaining cardiovascular function, and fighting...
Pesticides In Produce: The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
Shopping Guide to Pesticides in Produce Published by the Environmental Working Group Each year the Environmental Working Group posts a guide to inform consumers of which conventionally-farmed produce is most contaminated with pesticides and which is the least...
Packing A Healthy Lunch
What's In Your Lunch Box? Trying to pack a healthy lunch day after day can be a challenge, and it's often even more daunting to pack one to send to school with your children. Working around the finicky diets of some children or your own depleted creativity can be...
Stress Management Increases Vitality
Stress does not refer to the events in your life that irritate you. It instead refers to your body’s reaction to those events. Different people can respond much differently to the same stress-inducing events. Chronic stress can lead to a depleted immune system,...
Fenske Holistic Healthcare Center
Fenske Holistic Healthcare Center is located in downtown Middleton, Wisconsin, very close to Madison and just blocks from University Ave and the Beltline.